


Só para animar a nossa terça-feira e dar aquele Up antes de sair de casa, nada melhor do que uma música BOA, né?
Então, fiquem ai com Passion Pit, banda que fez parte de todo o meu final de semana e, creio eu, vai fazer parte dessa semana inteira também.

"“let your love grow tall”
“let your love grow tall”
tall as the grass in the meadow?
or the dunes on the shore?
like the buildings in the city?
and your children on the floor?
like the darkness in the forest?
like my frightened worried eyes?
or the roots in the soil?
are these skies telling lies?"

"The currents pull me in
The tide has reached my chin
The seaweed tickles skin
Just let the water win
I'm freezing to the bone
You'll never be at home
Just watch, you're running oPaut
Just watch your body go"

Abraços e Boa Terça para tod@s!

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